Troyes and its region - Champ des oiseaux

Le Champ des Oiseaux - Hotel and Spa ****


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"...a sparling city like its champagne..."   Lauzanne cites




Troyes, capital of the Aube region, delightful with its small squares and meandering narrow streets lined with half-timbered buildings, is noted among the most beautiful medieval cities in France. The city centre, enclosed by wide boulevards, forms a perfect champagne-cork shape whose top borders the cathedral of Saint Peter and Paul and the museums of the Abby of Saint Loup and of Modern Art. The body of the cork, burned in 1524 but quickly rebuilt, is home to its harmonious historical centre. Here the most enchanting half-timbered structures of the city, surrounded by cosy café tables, invite you for a welcome pause to admire the medieval décor.

Fifty-two hectares of the area have been protected, and today Troyes leads the list of historic French cities for its restored buildings. Mansion houses and museums follow one another - the former often home to the latter - such as the elegant Hotel de Mauroy, restored by the Compagnons du Devoir, housing the Museum of "l'Outil et de la Pensée ouvrière", the only one of its kind found anywhere.


Troyes, city-museum? Certainly not, there for some lethargic tourists, come to enjoy a few hours of the euphoric atmosphere of the district Saint-Jean, its gastronomy and its healthy liberties. Faithful guardian of the Faith, St. Peter and St. Paul's Cathedral, surrounded by the hallucinating half-timbering of the Cité district, which boldly rivals four centuries of parallel architectural progress, also translating into noble materials, the whole genius and passion of 400 years of fabulous architectural creations.

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